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The Fixer network BRAMA HUB

Who are the fixers of Brama Hub?

Due to their knowledge of the country and their institutional Relations "Brama advisers" can help you identify the best fixers following the logic or the theme of a story. they can show you the best profiles according to your budget and your requirements. Brama production does not limit the role of fixer in a country at war or in a difficult environment. The fixer can play a crucial role, anywhere, any time and any place.

What is the Role of the Fixer?

The definition wikipedia links this news activity "burning": "In difficult areas, particularly in countries at war, a" fixer "(francisation English setting) or accompanist, is a person who knows best the region, acting both as an interpreter, guide, camp with a foreign journalist, for which he can arrange a meeting with a particular local character. the fixer acts on behalf of a production typically Western. His knowledge of the terrain and local governments is essential. It is the essential interface with the public.


It is mostly a Facilitator
t is the right arm of the reporter. His knowledge of the area allows the reporter to save time and to understand more finely local issues.
This ally is the "fixer", a word nor pretty, nor precise, translated into English tracing paper "fix", the one who arranges, rencarde, troubleshoots. Speak of him as an assistant would be reduced to a secondary role while it is essential for the journalist. "Let justice fixer, it was he who made the newspaper," confaissait Stéphane Amar, journalist in Israel, came to tell his experience at the Bordeaux school of journalism.
"A fixer, translated, helps organize even offers story ideas. It greatly facilitates the task. Often fixers, once they understand your expectations, offer good ideas and help you implement them" says Bernard Renaud, reporter for France 2.

What difference is there between a role of a Councillor Brama and that of a fixer ?
Indeed, if the Brama Adviser may itself sometimes play this role, its mission is primarily to define what is the best fixer for a particular project.
If it is not directly in the mission of fixer that even he intervenes designated the Brama Advisor can assist the fixer like to help organize difficult or sensitive interviews to obtain (be it that of a Minor or a Minister).

A fixer is there a gaffor ?
The gaffor is the Swiss Army knife of audiovisual production, the versatile assistant for multitasking while traveling ...
And often the fuser accompanying reporters also plays this role.